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The Big 5 Dubai is the largest building trade show in the MEASA region. After a successful face-to-face gathering of the Middle East, Africa and South Asia's construction industry in 2021, the organ...Global brick making integrated solution operator QGM brick machine
The trademark of ICCX is a unique combination of conference and trade exhibition, covering all aspects of modern concrete production and technology. This format gives suppliers to the concrete indus...Global brick making integrated solution operator QGM brick machine
World of concrete is one of the oldest concrete & masonry industry meetings. Hosting annual editions at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the next World of Concrete 2023 is scheduled for 17th and 19t...-Global brick making integrated solution operator QGM brick machine
From December 5th to 8th, BIg5, the five major industry exhibitions in Dubai in 2022, was held as scheduled at the Dubai World Trade Center in the United Arab Emirates.-Global brick making integrated solution operator QGM brick machine
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